Business highs and lows

Business highs and lows

When it comes to business it is definitely not easy. We all love to share our success, but we never like to share the disasters...

Behind every business there is someone who has learnt a few lessons or two. Some of these lessons can be quite expensive and some lessons can be fixed easily. 

In the 3 and bit years I have been in business I have learnt a lot. A big lesson I have learnt is always trust your gut and never let anyone tell you what your business is or does. If you have a purpose and a vision that is clear, stick to it.

People will give you advise, and they will tell you how your business can help them. However, if it is not a part of your vision or purpose then stay away. Don't drift off from your journey. 

Lastly never give up...Process takes time and if you keep showing up you will eventually get there.          



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