Tips to help you engage with your mates...

Tips to help you engage with your mates...

Here are 5 tips to engage with your mates and start the conversation: 

1. Check in on on them

- Send them a text 

- Give them a call


2. Let them know your thinking about them

- Just thought I would let you know I have been thinking of you 


3. Organise a catch up 

- Get a coffee

- Have a beer

- Organise a walk & chat 


4. Encourage them to speak 

- Listen to what your mate has to say 

- Dig dip and ask the questions 


5. Provide details if they need more help

- Lifeline 131114

- Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

- Suicide call back services 1300 659 467


Want more details check out the R U OK website 

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